Website authority, or domain authority is measured on the basis of a website’s popularity, which is directly correlated to the amount of external links. If your website has a good domain authority score, that means it ranks higher on search engine result pages.
Your site’s rank in terms of website authority hinges on who provides links to your website, and how they do it. SEO link building will determine the amount of traffic your website will receive, and your search engine ranking.
“Good” Domain Authority
Link building is essential to improving your website’s ranking in search engines, and backlinking is a fundamental concept. Backlinks are hyperlinks that will direct traffic from other websites back to your website, boosting your site’s popularity, and therefore increasing your domain authority. Sites with a good amount of external links (links routing to your website from Wikipedia or Google) tend to have stronger domain authority, and fall on the higher end of the domain authority spectrum, whereas smaller sites with fewer backlinks tend to have a much lower domain authority score.
How to Improve Your Domain Authority:
The best way to improve your domain authority is through stronger search engine optimization, or SEO. Essentially, this refers to promoting your website through better link building, which can be achieved through a multitude of ways. Several ways you can achieve this are through:
Blogging will effectively build links internally on your website, and the more frequently you blog, the more links you will create directing traffic back to your site.
Internal Linking
Another method includes internal linking; linking your pages and posts on your website will also generate better domain authority. This is a factor that is easy to control by making sure each post you make and each page is linked to a few other pages or posts on your website; creating good backlinks between your old and new blog posts will stimulate traffic. An example of this can be best observed in Wikipedia, which demonstrates incredibly strong internal linking; each page on Wikipedia includes a multitude of links to other pages on their site.
Monitoring Links
In creating new links, it’s also important to be mindful of “bad links” from unrelated or untrusted sources, as these links can have a very negative impact on your SEO, lowering your domain authority. Search engines such as google penalize these untrusted sources that violate their guidelines, and these bad backlinks can be purged through conducting website audits.
Become the Premier Source in Your Niche
Make sure you are publishing quality articles; this is valued over large quantities of mediocre or low-quality posts. If you work to ensure that each page, link, and post on your website is of the best-quality and is reliable, users will be drawn to your site and will visit it multiple times, amping your domain authority.
Social Media Strategies and Exposure
A strong social media presence is conducive to high domain authority ranking. Additionally, getting your friends or colleagues to share links to your website among themselves and on social-media platforms will definitely help generate traffic and improving indexing.