Now is the time to stay in touch

We’ve now passed a month of shelter in place, and during these extraordinary times, our first concern is to check-in and see how you are doing. As we all isolate and stay inside our homes, we have increasingly begun to rely on our digital networks to stay connected. Some of us are taking this time to reconnect with family and friends. Others are spending a fair amount of time planning for what we will face as the pandemic evolves. Still others are concentrating on what they can do right now to stay relevant and useful.

The uncertainty of these times has no doubt disrupted the regular flow of things. For some businesses and nonprofits, establishing an online presence may have not been a top priority, but recent shifts have forced them to make abrupt changes to operations and strategies. If you are mapping out different strategies to get through this pandemic, we want to assure you that we are here to help you keep connected and enhance your digital presence.

Experts from trusted sources like Forbes, Business 2 Community, INC, and Neil Patel stress the need to communicate, often and effectively. Now is the time to stay in touch, find out how to stay connected, and explore creative ways to help each other get through this. We are here to assist you in these efforts.

We know many in our community are suffering. If you have the funds to spare, please consider donating to those in need right now. With school closures, job disruptions, and health risks, millions of Americans are turning to their local food banks for support during the crisis. To find out more about how you can donate and help your community, find your local food bank here.

Stay healthy, safe and strong.

The Jordan Creative Team

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